Umbo and Unlimited Sciences hosted Psychedelics Today and Joe Moore recently to discuss tons of topics. Athleticism, brain health, psychedelics, functional mushrooms, CTE, and so many others. Rashad speaks about his recent comeback, Jake talks about "the wedge" in the NFL, and I discuss Unlimited Sciences' Johns Hopkins study along others. Umbo believes functional mushrooms have just as much if not more potential to help humanity. Whether it's for textiles, medicine, agricultural applications, and other categories, mushrooms can genuinely support and help humanity in so many ways.

As Umbo continues down the mushroom path, we support the expansion of all mushrooms. And Psychedelics Today is a long-running group that has supported the psychedelic movement for well over a decade. It made sense for us to reach this community. I've always believed professional athletes are uniquely positioned to reach crowds that typically might not support these types of substances. This is where I met Jake and connected with Rashad during my time at Charlotte's Web. CBD has changed perceptions of cannabis in tremendous ways. I've come to learn that cannabis is in fact the gateway drug. The gateway to understanding that the stories we've been told about natural medicines have been false.

Utilizing athletes' platforms to change stigma has always been interesting to me. People whose livelihood depends on the highest level of performance of their bodies talking about substances we were told are dangerous. Rashad and Jake are wonderful ambassadors of these natural substances and it shows on this podcast. They have come to know the power of mushrooms. So sit back and relax and tune into this in-depth conversation as we dive into a tangled web of subjects!

— Del