From Jake Plummer:
Where’s the juice? What’s in the juice? What did you put in these bottles?
Everyone wants to know about our functional mushroom tinctures — and why they should be taking them.
Our goal at Umbo has always been to bring you the most high-quality and potent functional mushroom products we could get our mushroom-loving hands on. And from the jump, we have done just that.
From spore to your door
But also, starting from Day One, we’ve had a vision to continue to improve our supply chain whenever and wherever we can. We want to become completely vertically integrated, wherever possible, with full control of the mushrooms from the spore to your door. That way, we can not only source the very best mushrooms, but also ensure they are grown in the most ethical way and extracted for the highest possible potency. It’s the only way that these mushrooms can do the most good for you.
That’s why I founded MycoLove Farm, in Fort Lupton, Colorado.
In my ideal world, MycoLove Farm would supply all the mushrooms that Umbo needs. That’s the goal, anyway. I feel so lucky to call myself a mushroom farmer and to have met some amazing humans who grow and extract the mushrooms — their mushrooms are really something special. In fact, you can already see and feel the potency for yourself in our Umbo Charge and Recharge tinctures. (If you haven’t tried those already, you really should!)
The reality is that Umbo needs more volume than MycoLove Farm could historically supply. But over time, MycoLove has been able to expand its capabilities — so we’re now able to expand Umbo’s relationship with them!

Above, Jake Plummer checking on the Reishi mushrooms growing at his mushroom farm MycoLove Farm, in Fort Lupton, Colorado.
With love from my mushroom farm, MycoLove Farm
Everyone here at Umbo is super excited to announce that as of today, all Umbo mushrooms tinctures — not only Charge and Recharge — are now sourced from and extracted by my good friends at MycoLove Farm. We are proud that we are able to bring you, our loyal customers and Umbo-lievers, the absolute best functional mushroom tinctures on the market today. These tinctures are the most potent, most bioavailable, most sustainable, and most ethically made. They are locally sourced and certified organic. And we are only able to offer them to you because of my relationship with MycoLove Farm.
Most of our inventory has already been switched over to the new MycoLove Farm-sourced tinctures, and the little remaining inventory will switch over in the near future. Be on the lookout. Please know that these new functional mushroom tinctures may look, taste, and feel slightly different from our previous tinctures. That’s okay. Completely expected, actually. You can take these tinctures knowing that they are at least as potent — and likely even more potent — as what you’ve been using. Hooray.
Are you interested in learning more about how to choose the right mushroom tincture for you? Have a look at that linked post. It'll be helpful.
Most importantly of all, as we continue to build Umbo and learn even more from the Fungi queendom, we are grateful for you — your loyalty, your curiosity, and your desire to feel better and thrive. Thank you!
Peace, love, and mushrooms! —Jake
p.s. We took Matt and Stak from All The Smoke on a tour of MycoLove Farm earlier this year. You should check that out, if you haven't already: